Sun, Rocks and Warriors

    3rd July 2024

    Moab, Utah – Once a Paradox Sea 300 million years ago, seven Warriors explored the ancient land of National Arches Park. Leaving midday on Tuesday afternoon, our DC Adventures drove Northbound up US Highway 191 with the sun on their faces, 15 gallons of water, watching all the birds and desert things go by. As they continued, they lost cellular reception and became more connected to the land than any other OAP excursion so far.

    “Moab was very different from Durango II. Durango II rained from start to end and was water-based. Moab was Earth-based, and emphasized our beautiful Mother Earth. This trip paid special tribute to Indigenous people’s connectedness to rocks and the sun, and through this mentality, we’ll explore the ancient land through hiking exploration. The Outdoor Adventures Trips aims to provide students with an opportunities to explore different types of natural environments.” – Warrior Brown, Student Wellness Manager Surrounded by the rock giants and cedar trees, the Warriors camped in the heart of Arches National Park, viewing Double Arches, Balanced Rock, Fiery Furnace, Sand Dune Arch, Tower of Babel, and many more rock formations. Returning home, the Warriors reflected on our ancestors and valued the geographical location of our Indigenous landscape.

    Upcoming Trips:

    Sedona, Thursday, July 11 – Friday, July 12. FULL – No spots left.

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