Students: FAQ

The health of the Diné College community is our priority

This website will be updated regularly with information about the Novel Coronavirus affecting the Diné College community. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has the most up-to-date information about the status of the Novel Coronavirus in the US.

Latest Updates for Students

Student FAQ

Novel Coronavirus (COVID -19)
FAQ by Students
Established: 03/19/2020 @ 10:06AM

1. Do we return after Spring Break 2020?

Spring Break 2020 was extended for an additional week, March 16- 20, 2020. During this time, the College is transiting face-to-face classes to online delivery. Faculties will contact students through the College Email providing instructions on changes to classroom delivery.

Classes will resume (online learning) on Monday, March 23, 2020.

2. If I need to visit a Campus or Center, what must I be aware of?

Enforcement of Student ID o be carried on your person is mandatory to receive services. Access to the College is now limited to only Employees and current students. The general public is being refrained from coming on campus, rather encouraging community to call departments for questions pertaining to college registration, admission, financial aid, etc.

At each Campus and/or Center location, One Access Control has been implemented to control traffic flow into each building. This means only one entrance into a building will be identified and used at each Campus Location. Be watchful of signage on campus that provides necessary instructions.

Each Campus location has identified Restricted Areas and closed off portions of buildings. This is to ensure that no one is populating or creating traffic in areas to prevent a potential spread of COVID-19.

If you do not have a Student ID, print out and carry your current Spring 2020 Class Schedule on you. Each department will provide COVID-19 Screening and questionnaires prior to seeking services. To control and maintain the health and safety of our campus community, we ask for your cooperation when conducting these screening. Retain the Screening form with you if you are visiting multiple departments for services. The screening document may be downloaded from the College webpage (é-College-Screening-at-School-and-Workplace-Facilities_fill-1.pdf) and presented electronically. If you visit the campus daily, a new form will need to be completed each day.

Some Building Services, such as Libraries and Compute Labs will be restricted to only students. To use computer services, you must provide your Screening Form and present your Student ID or Current Class Schedule.

If you are attending a face-to-face class on campus, the faculty member will conduct a COVID-19 Screening aligned with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.

If you bring your children or family on campus with you and they do not have an ID or Class Schedule, they are considered a Community. Community are refrained from visiting the Campus and Centers. If possible, please do not bring onto location your family members – however, if you must, please ensure they complete the Screening Process and abide by all campus protocols. They will be directed to be centralized at an identified location by staff or security as they wait for the Student (family member).

Use of any campus resources will be restricted from the Community as services are only allowed for Current Students as our priority group.

3. How will I know if my class is going to be face-to-face or online?

A very small number of classes that cannot be delivered through online delivery will continue to be delivered face-to-face (subject to change). Instructors will contact the student on any required face-to-face delivery, such as silversmithing courses. Keep in mind that Diné College is extending safety efforts for any potential face-to-face classes to enforce the guidelines set forth by CDC, such as COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire and increasing cleaning efforts and Social Distancing.

Keep up with checking your Diné College email address daily for any latest updates.

4. Will the dorms be open for students at the Tsaile Campus, even if all my classes are now online?

Yes, Residence students are welcome to return to the dorms. However, students may decide to continue online delivery from home and can submit the request to the Residence Life Management to vacate.

For additional questions, contact Residence Life Manager Sharon Begay at (928) 724-6798.

5. How will Residence Life accommodate students who do return?

Residence Life have implemented and enforced necessary CDC guidelines to ensure proper accommodation is being performed within each living space. COVID-19 Screening may be conducted with students to monitor and respond to any signs of symptoms relating to COVID-19.

Residence Life has a response plan put in place to ensure necessary self-isolation or 14-day quarantine. Necessary supplies and meals will be provided should isolation be recommended.

For additional questions, contact Residence Life Manager Sharon Begay at (928) 724-6798.

6. If I do not wish to return to the Dorms or Family Apartment, can I move out and get a refund?

Students who do not wish to return to campus are welcome to move out and return home to complete their online delivery for the duration of the semester. College Administration is currently developing a refund policy to provide a refund option back to the students for Room & Board and Meals.

Tuition Refund policy will remain as is, due to the college still offering classes to students.

7. I am an International student and I just returned from the airport traveling and TSA advised me to complete a 14-day quarantine, what do I need to know?

The College’s Residential Life Program has designated units to accommodate our International Students who are recommended for quarantine and/or self-isolation; therefore, accommodation and support services will be provided for students returning from the airport and their travels. International Students will continue to have direct access to support and academic services on campus that will support them in their online education. Residential Life and NMS Cafeteria have plans to ensure students to receive their daily meals.

8. Will the cafeteria remain open?

The Cafeteria at the Tsaile Campus will remain open for employees and students only. The cafeteria will only be serving brunch and dinner for the remaining of Spring 2020. Self-service will no longer be offered and everyone is encouraged to do Grab-and-Go, rather than dining-in. Food safety efforts have been heightened to protect the health and well-being of everyone. Call-in and Pick-up is also another service the cafeteria is offering. Social distancing will be enforced within the cafeteria, as well as CDC Guidelines.

9. Will the school year be extended?

No, the school year will not be extended. Finals and Last Day of Instruction will continue as published on the College Catalog and College Schedule.

10. Will Graduation still take place?

Yes. Plans for Graduation on May 8, 2020 will continue (subject to change). Diplomas will still be delivered to graduates. However, delivery of the commencement will be changed. More information will be forthcoming.

11. Is the Academic Achievement Awards ceremony scheduled to happen?

The Academic Achievement Awards ceremony will not be held however the President and Dean awards will be issued out to students by mail. The faculty awards will also be sent by mail. Updates will be posted on the College Website.

12. What will happen with Student Internships, Work Study programs, and IRB activities?

Students must contact their respected employer or program advisor to identify the workplace environment and active status to continue completion of work hours or research. Telecommunication will be an option based on the student’s Screening assessment and recommendation by the Supervisor.

Student IRB activities will not be suspended (unless a decision is made otherwise by IRB) and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the program advisor. Contact you instructor before moving forward with you research efforts.

13. How will the online courses be delivered?

The College will be considering the use of several online tools (recordings, Zoom, Blackboard, etc.) to provide course content delivery to students. We are aware that it may be a challenge for some students who do not have access to computers or internet, but the College will continue open access to several Computer Labs and extending Wi-Fi at each campus site.

Due to the threat of COVID-19, students must present either a Student ID or Class Schedule to gain access to these daily services. Campus and service access to the General Public will be limited and/or restricted.

14. Will all the courses go online?

Majority of our classes have been transitioned to online delivery to decrease the daily traffic to campus/centers. Especially for those who are on mandatory 14-day quarantine. Very few courses may continue as face-to-face (such as silversmithing) but we are enforcing the re-design of the student’s learning environment to ensure the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to increase safety protocol among our students. This set up will include social distances of 6 feet apart in a classroom, cleaning supplies available in each classroom, and routine cleaning by staff after each use. Instructors will also complete necessary COVID-19 Screening with students upon arrival of any face-to-face classes.

15. What is the status of the eight-week courses?

Second 8-week courses will resume Monday, March 23, 2020. Instructors will contact students directly on method of course content delivery and assignments. If you do not hear from your instructor, contact them or contact and Academic Advisor.

16. What will happen with my lab courses?

Lab courses will be re-designed by the Instructor on different methods of delivery. However, should a lab course depend on face-to-face interaction, CDC guidance will be enforced among in-person course delivery.

17. What if I don’t feel comfortable returning to campus for face-to-face delivery?

If you do not feel comfortable attending class in person or currently in a 14-day quarantine, inform your Instructor immediately. Instructors will work with students on how to deliver online content and assignment requirement.

18. How do I get Wi-Fi connection?

Each Center location will remain open and Wi-Fi access is available to Current Students.

19. Will the Library still be open for use?

The Library will remain open to only students and employees. Community will not be allowed to enter the Library. Any unexpected closures will be decided on a daily basis.

To access services when visiting a Library, you will be required to present your Student ID or Class Schedule for Spring 2020. If you have not been screened for COVID-19, you will need to complete a screening process (access form at and keep the Form on your person while visiting a campus or center. Each day a new form will need to be completed if you are on campus for multiple days.

20. If I am experiencing financial difficulty, how can Diné College help during this difficult time?

Diné College has the Emergency Aid Fund Program open for students to contact and apply for emergency funds. Please contact Student Affairs, Tsaile Campus, at (928) 724-6732.

21. Will the Adult Education Program at the Shiprock Branch still continue?

The Adult Education Program at the Shiprock Campus has transitioned to online delivery.

Adult ED testing has been placed on hold until May 2020.

22. I am a non-native student; what if I need medical attention?

The Indian Health Service can provide medical service to non-native students through the Emergency Room (ER admit). Note that the Tsaile Health Clinic in Tsaile, AZ does not have an ER room.

23. If I need medical care, where can I go?

If you have symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus, please contact the local health care center prior to your arrival to a hospital facility:
Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility
(928) 674-7001/7688

Crownpoint Health Care Facility
(505) 786-5291/6381

Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board, INC
(928) 729-8000

Gallup Indian Medical Center
(505) 722-1000

Sage Memorial
(928) 755-4500

Kayenta Health Center
(928) 697-4000

Northern Navajo Medical Center
(505) 368-6001

Tuba City Regional Health Care
(866) 976-5941

Utah Navajo Health System
(866) 976-5941

Winslow Indian Health Care Center
(928) 289-4646

Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center
(844) 542-8201

New Mexico Coronavirus Hotline
(855) 600-3453

24. I see some students from other Schools attending our Campus or Center. Why?

You may notice that there are students utilizing resources at our campus locations from other Institutions. Some Diné College Centers may extend services to students from neighboring Universities or Colleges to provide access to College resources. During this time, we know many other Higher Education institutions are also facing challenges and their students may need access to campus resources (NAU, ASU, UA, UNM). Nonetheless, our Diné College students will continue to be our first priority in delivery campus services.

25. How can I still obtain Advising services?

Academic Advising services will remain to be available for students at the Community Centers, Shiprock and Tsaile Student Affairs, as well as with Faculty, and BA/BS Program Coordinators. Students can call, email, or visit with their advisors to obtain answers, schedule an appointment, and meeting face-to-face. All Face-to-face advising visits will require completing a COVID-19 Screening and students must have their Student ID’s with them. To reduce the amount of traffic on campus and to avoid a potential spread of COVID-19, students are encouraged to utilize phone call advising and email communications with their Advisors, Faculty, and Program Coordinators.

26. Will campus events and activities still continue?

No. Due to our response to safety and ensuring the well-being of our College Community, all College events and activities have been cancelled for Spring 2020.

27. If I do not know how to use any of the Online Delivery tools, who can I contact for help?

Contact Information Technology, Michele Vecenti, or 928-724-6682 and training can be set-up for you.

28. What do I do if a Code Gray or Code Orange is issued at the College when I am on-site?

The College will issue the following EMERGENCY CODES as a response to any campus-threat that may occur:

CODE GRAY: Campus Lock-Down

  • Lock doors into buildings or department, do not allow anyone in or out of buildings, turn off lights, get away from windows. No is to wonder the hallways but stay within your locations. Remain calm and silence your phone.

CODE ORANGE: Shelter In-Place

  • Enclose yourself in an isolated area and wait until instruction is issued. Stay put and do not leave the office/area. Do not allow anyone in or out of the isolated area. Maintain Social Distancing. Remain calm and silence your phone.

Due to the threat of COVID-19, CDC Guidelines of Social Distancing, covering your mouth if coughing, and refrain from touching surface or your face and mouth.

Follow instructions of employees or instructors. If Emergency Responders arrive to your location, cooperate and follow all instructions provided.

Complete a headcount of all those within your area.

Lifting the codes will be communicated by the Campus Security and Emergency Response Team.

Sign up for Alert Media to receive important communications and emergency notices. To sign-up, visit the Diné College Alert Notification to register:

If you still have questions, contact your department supervisor or manager.


Diné College is following the guidance that is provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Navajo Nation Department of Health, and taking preventive actions to temporarily cancel College sponsored events and limiting socialization on College campuses and sites. The preventive measure is to safeguard the health and well being of our College community and Navajo communities.
You can find updated information about COVID-19 disease activity and recommendations at these sites:
CDC: 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Arizona Department of Public Health
New Mexico Department of Health
Nation Nation Department of Health

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