About Diné College Recruitment

About Diné College Recruitment
The Diné College Office of Recruitment is often the first contact that prospective students have with the College. Thus, we make every attempt to help students get situated. Among our many functions, we visit K-12 schools and provide information, conduct campus tours, assist with student applications, provide information about the Bachelor degrees, Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees, and certificate programs. Other areas covered are the residential dorms and family housing, financial aid and other pertinent information.
The college holds special information events/conferences, and attend recruitment events such as college career fairs, bazaars and much more. Contact the Recruitment office at (928) 724-6696 to schedule a tour.
Higher Learning Commission – HLC Contact
Official Website:
Diné College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The college holds memberships in the Rocky Mountain, Arizona, New Mexico, Pacific, and American Associations of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers; the American Indian Higher Education Consortium; and the Association of American Junior and Community Colleges.
NCA holds memberships in the Arizona, New Mexico, Pacific, Rocky Mountain and American Associations of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium, and the Association of American Junior and Community Colleges. Diné College is recognized under the Standard Pathway.
Youth Events
The following two youth events are held throughout the year at the Tsaile and or Shiprock campus; reservation is encouraged well in advance for proper planning.
1. Shíyazhí (My Little One) College Day
The event is designed for pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade students. In this scenario, students become a Diné College student for a day. As a college student on campus, they will attend classes, get introduced to admission materials, get acquainted with academics and careers, student life and more. This is a very popular program. See the schedule for the next event.
2. College 101
The event is for 9th to 12th grade students. They will attend different class sessions throughout the day and learn about financing for college, college success/access, faculty/staff/student talk, and tour our campus. Students will learn about the institution along with very important college topics, such as college success, residence halls, student life, cafeteria, success stories, and more.
Diné College INFO DAY
Each campus department sets up a booth during the day and participants are able to ask questions about various student services, such as financial aid, scholarships, registration, housing, meals, etc. If you have enrolled, or plan to register as an incoming new student, this is a day to get your questions answered.
Sonia Morgan, Diné College Student Recruiter
(928) 724-6926
General Information