Diné College
Learning Center
A college learning center is a campus resource that helps students improve their academic performance. It offers services like tutoring, writing assistance, study skills workshops, test preparation, and academic advising. These centers provide a supportive environment with resources such as computers, study spaces, and peer-led learning, aiming to enhance students’ learning and success.

Welcome to Diné College Learning Center
Welcome to Diné College Learning Center
Welcome to the Diné College Learning Center, where we provide free academic tutoring and a variety of learning support services to current Diné College students during the spring, summer, and fall semesters. Peer and professional tutors at the Diné College Learning Center help students develop positive academic independence and serve as an academic support system for students who are facing academic challenges.
The Diné College Learning Center is dedicated to assisting students in achieving their academic objectives. We are committed to providing a success-oriented learning environment that focuses on the essentials of college success. Our student support programs are designed to help students reach their full academic potential.
In addition, we provide collaborative student learning processes that are designed to actively engage the learner. Finally, we offer online study strategies and tips to students through a series of workshops to help improve study skills and learning strategies.
Mission Statement
To ensure support services to enhance student learning.
What is the Learning Center?
The Diné College Learning Center, better known on campus as the LC, is a multi-faceted academic support program for all Diné College students. We provide tutoring services (individual, group, and online) study skills workshops, and learning specialists free of charge to all Diné College students.
Our website contributes information to help you succeed in college, whether you are a first-semester student seeking help in mathematics, a continuing student looking for tips to improve your writing, or an undergraduate senior preparing for graduate school. We also post the schedules of our other resources such as upcoming workshops, webinars and events so you will know when and where to find us throughout the week.
While I hope that you will explore our web site and learn more about our services, we also encourage you to come see the LC the next time you are on campus. We’re easy to find on the campus, so feel free to stop by and speak with our friendly staff, pick up a few helpful handouts, and see why Diné College Learning Center students visit us over 500 times each semester.
Meet Our Staff & Tutors
Aneth Campus – Microsite
Sasha Mitchell, Office Coordinator
928-724-6915 ext 7800
Crownpoint Campus
Tyrone J. Begay, Center Manager
505-786-7391, ext. 7201
Newcomb Campus – Microsite
Sterling Walter, Learning Center, Office Coordinator
Shiprock Campus
Lambert Martin Jr., Student Services Program Manager
Tuba City Campus
Alison Begay, Learning Center, Office Coordinator
928.283.5113, ext. 7506
Tsaile Campus
Sonja Smith, Learning Center Manager
928-724-6726, ext. 6726
Window Rock Campus
Nicholas Begaye, Center Manager
928-871-2230 ex. 7603
Tsaile Campus
Shakanada Iyua, Professional Math Tutor
Subject-Based – Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHM), Statistics (MTH), Physics (PHY), Education (EDU)
Shiprock Campus</strong
Shannel, Writing Proofreading
Shinaya, Math’s Tutor
Location & Hours
SPRING 2023 | |
Aneth Campus – Microsite Computer Lab | (928) 724-6915 Email | smitchell@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Crownpoint Campus Computer Lab | (505) 786-7391 Location | Room 3 Email | pwilleto-west@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Newcomb Campus – Microsite Computer Lab | (505) 696-3394 Email | jagreyhat@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Shiprock Campus Computer Lab | (505) 368-3630 Location | South Campus Room 101 Email | cnbowman@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Tuba City Campus Computer Lab | (928) 283-7506 Location | Room 101 Email | aedison@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Tsaile Campus Computer Lab | (928) 724-6725 Location | SUB Building Room 122 Email | learningcenter@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Window Rock Campus Computer Lab | (928) 871-2230 Location | North Building Classroom 3 Email | njbegaye@dinecollege.edu |
Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM |
Tutoring FAQs
1. How do I find a tutor?
A. Tutors of the Diné College Learning Center can be found and contacted in several ways:
Option 1: Login to Blackboard using your DC user ID and password; navigate to your courses; click on Learning Center.
Option 2: Login to MyDinéCollege using your DC user and password; navigate to your Students Tab; click on Learning Center.
Option 3: Login into ConexEd using your DC user ID and password; navigate to Student Support Directory; scroll down to Learning Centers.
2. Where can I find tutor schedules?
A. You can find schedules of all tutors on our pages on Blackboard, MyDinéCollege, ConexEd,.
3. What subjects do tutors specialize in? Common courses?
A. Our Diné College Learning Center Professional Tutors specialize in subject-based tutoring and have specific knowledge derived from training or experiences. All of our tutors are Level One certified under the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA); a group of student–oriented professionals in the field of learning assistance to all traditional and non-traditional students.
Common courses:
English: ENG 101, 102, 131, 180, 212,231, 233, 234 & 236
Math: MTH 100, 102, 106, 110, 190, 191, 192, 213 & 225
Science: CHM 130, 151, PHY 101, 110 & 121& PUH 111
Business: ACC 100 & 200, BUS 265, 420 & 460
4. Where can I schedule a tutoring session?
A. There are several options when it comes to scheduling a session. At the Learning Center we try to strive to allow as much access to connecting you to a tutor. Below are several options:
Option 1: You can schedule an appointment through ConexED: our online appointment system established in the Fall 2020 semester.
Option 2: Email learningcenter@dinecollege.edu with your name, student ID#, course, and requested date and time of tutoring session. A staff of the Learning Center will be in contact to confirm session.
Option 3: Call (928) 724-6725 to schedule an appointment with a tutor.
5. How long is a tutoring session?
A. One-on-one tutoring sessions can vary and is available in time increments of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes or an hour. Group tutoring sessions can range from 30 minutes to an hour. To schedule an appointment, click HERE.
6. Where can I submit my assignments for proofreading?
Option 1: Submit documents through our secure Proofreading Dropbox.
Option 2: Email documents to learningcenter@dinecollege.edu.
Once submitted, a tutor will be in contact with you about any feedback, revisions, questions, etc.
7. How can I be part of a group session?
A. Scheduling or participating in a group session may vary and is dependent on if a study group session has already been scheduled for your course. You may contact the Learning Center at learningcenter@dinecollege.edu or via phone at (928) 724-6725 to see if any sessions are scheduled in the future. If there are no scheduled study group sessions, you may schedule one through our online appointment system here. Here, you may add up to 5 participants for your study group session. In addition, the scheduled session will be facilitated by a Professional Tutor.
8. What do I need to bring to a tutoring session?
A. Prior to starting a tutoring session, ensure that you have assignment details, class notes, any challenging questions, and a course syllabus/schedule. Be sure to submit copies to your assigned tutor as well.
9. Can a tutor assist me with exams or quizzes?
A. A tutor is only able to give assistance, during an exam, if an approval from instructor is submitted to the Learning Center. Otherwise, a tutor cannot assist any students during an exam or quiz.
10. What do I do if I miss a tutoring session?
A. If a student is not present at the pre-determined location and time, or is more than 15 minutes late, the student becomes a "no-show". It is the duty and responsibility of the student to reschedule another tutoring session if a student is a no-show. If a student was referred to the Learning Center by an organization (Athletics, FYE Program, etc), that student's organization will be notified of the missed appointment.
Contact us
Diné College Learning Center