Graduation 2019

Commencement Rehearsal
Thursday, May 9, 2019
3:00pm Graduates meet at SUB
3:00pm Line up and Arrangement
3:00pm – 4:00pm Rehearsal
Tsaile, Arizona
Questions: Roberta John 928-724-6852
2019 Spring Commencement
Friday, May 10, 2019
8:00am Graduate line-up at SUB
9:00am Pre-Show
10:00am Commencement Starts: (Pinon Pit Gymnasium)
Tsaile, Arizona
Questions: Roberta John 928-724-6852
Notice from the Office of the Registrar:
All graduates will report to the SUB activity room on Friday morning. At the SUB – One Stop Shop, we will begin releasing the SASHES, BREAKFAST TICKETS, etc. Our office will be open at 7:00 am.
Graduation Petitions
Students must complete and submit a graduation petition to the Registrar’s Office prior to the graduation deadline. Deadlines are posted on the academic calendar.
Contact Louise Litzin 928-724-6633
Caps and gowns
Graduation Regalia: Appropriate college cap and gown are required for the commencement exercise. Traditional attire may be worn with the cap. The cap and gown signify the completion of a college degree program.
- Student graduates are required to purchase a cap and gown from the following locations: For Tsaile and Shiprock, the cap and gown may be purchased at the local bookstore.
- For Window Rock, Chinle, Tuba City and Crownpoint, you may download the Diné College Cap and Gown Order Form from the Warrior Web and submit the form with payment to the local center for processing
Lodging at Diné College:
Graduating students – TWO ROOM LIMIT:
1st room (graduating students) = NO FEE
2nd room (Graduates guests) = $10 PER ROOM
Additional rooms can be requested, however, will depend on availability. Students will be contacted if additional rooms are available. ADDITIONAL ROOMS will be at the guest rate of $25 for single occupancy and $35 for double occupancy. Please reserve your room as soon as possible with Residence Life at 928-724-6782.
Graduation Parking Map
Students are responsible for ordering own invitations.
Mr. James Tutt
Roberta John