The health of the Diné College community is our priority

This website will be updated regularly with information about the Novel Coronavirus affecting the Diné College community. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has the most up-to-date information about the status of the Novel Coronavirus in the US.

Latest Updates for Students

On-Site Safety Online Tutoring Virtual Services

Diné College On-Site Safety Guidelines

Diné College On-site Campus Safety for Students

All students will be granted access to any of the 6 campus and 2 Microsites (building or gate) at Diné College.

Diné College will transition from “Restricted Access” to “College-Related Business” status for all sites.

While on campus premises, all registered students must have their college ID shown on their person. If a student does not have a college ID, please contact your Campus/Center to obtain a College Photo ID (appointment or walk-in). Verification of your enrollment will be conducted during your first visit to class. Carry your class schedule on you incase you do not have your College ID.

COVID-19 Clearance Stickers are mandatory to enter into classrooms, college service buildings, and on-site housing/residence. The COVID-19 Sticker must be visible on your College ID. To obtain your COVID-19 Clearance Sticker, you must visit a screening station at one of your centers/campuses, present you COVID-19 vaccination card and a C-19 clearance sticker will be placed on your college ID. Screeners will submit a copy (photo) of your vaccination card to the Office of Registrar.

Students must present and have vaccination verified by health screeners by or before the 1st week of class.

Weekend and Evening Facility Access is not allowed unless you are taking a schedule class on a Saturday or Sunday or evening (weekdays). Campus security will be monitoring these sites throughout the semester. Please try to conduct your student business during operation hours. Be mindful that we all share our facility with others and we asked that you help contribute to a shared-safety teaching, learning and living environment.

Residence Life Students and their families (5 years and older) and student workers/interns are mandated to have their COVID-19 vaccination to reside on-campus. Summer programs will be taking place at the Tsaile Campus and there will be an increase of organization/grant funded projects on-site residing within housing area. Those approved for on-site residence, including organizational groups and projects are to abide by the College’s Residence Life Policies and Procedures. Any COVID-related case shall be reported and managed by Residence Life Management.

International students/visitors will be allowed to entry the institution with a COVID vaccination verifications upon arrival. They must have a complete primary vaccination proof based on their country’s vaccination dose.

Sport/Gym/Weight room access has been lifted. Tsaile Campus Gymnasium and Weight room is open to students and employees for Summer. Shiprock Gym and Weight room is still closed but further information will be provided by Fall Semester on possible re-opening.

As of May 31st, Diné College’s Kinyaa’áaníí Library (Tsaile) will be open to the public following a full screening with temperature check at the SUB or NHC Building. A one-day pass will be provided to Visitors. The Shiprock Crownpoint library and computer lab will remain limited to only students and employees for the Summer.

Mandatory Mask continues to be in effective at Diné College even if you have been vaccinated or under medical accommodation. As of January 11, 2022, our College Administration has implemented a mandatory use of only N95 Face Mask (highly preferred) and Surgical Mask (second preferred) when coming on-site to any Campus or Center.

Dependents/Children will be allowed on-site for Summer, regardless of vaccination status. They must be fully screened for a temperature check and issued a daily pass. Mandatory masks is required for all dependents. Children/dependents are restricted from classroom/meeting settings.

Student are expected to know the symptoms related to COVID-19 and take appropriate actions for treatment, isolate or quarantine, and to report such symptoms to the College such as coughing, fever, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. DO NOT COME ON-SITE WITH THESE SYMPTOMS OR IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE WITHIN YOUR IMMEDIATE HOUSEHOLD WHO IS COVID-POSITIVE. RATHER GET TESTED AND ISOLATE.

Early symptoms may include chills, body aches, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and runny nose. If you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, DO NOT COME ON-SITE! Immediately call your health care provider and inform your faculty. If a student is tested positive, the class will not end or be required to isolate. Isolation will depend highly on vaccination status, preventive measures of social distancing and use of mask within a classroom. With preventive measures in place, we require all students to abide by the safety requirement to prevent any possible spread while on campus.

CDC guidelines on hand-washing procedure (20 second rule) and proper cleaning hygiene will be followed on-site. Students are encouraged to have and use hand-sanitizers. DC will have available hand sanitizers accessible for all students on-site.

Maintain social distance, especially if you are not aware that someone has their COVID-19 vaccine or in public.

Face-to-face courses will be limited to the size of the room and location to 75% use of floor space at 3-6 ft apart.

The College will have Plexi glass set-up in spaces where high volume of close-contact will occur with visitors or students. To promote the teaching and learning environment within a classroom, plexi glass will be set-up based on course delivery context, size of room/occupancy and required interaction among students. Classrooms with minimal-to-no close-contact reactions or low classroom movement will not require plexi installations. Courses that require heavy table top space for hands-on assignments will have no plexi installations but desks will be stationed 3-6 feet apart to promote social distance among peers.


Diné College is following the guidance that is provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Navajo Nation Department of Health, and taking preventive actions to temporarily cancel College sponsored events and limiting socialization on College campuses and sites. The preventive measure is to safeguard the health and well being of our College community and Navajo communities.

You can find updated information about COVID-19 disease activity and recommendations at these sites:

CDC: 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Arizona Department of Public Health

New Mexico Department of Health

Nation Nation Department of Health