The health of the Diné College community is our priority

This website will be updated regularly with information about the Novel Coronavirus affecting the Diné College community. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has the most up-to-date information about the status of the Novel Coronavirus in the US.

Latest Updates for Faculty/Staff

Dine’ College Screening Form at School and Workplace. To ensure that we are better screening and assessing our Employees, the Screening form has been officially implemented to ensure appropriate determination on actions to take regarding COVID-19

Diné College is following the guidance that is provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Navajo Nation Department of Health, and taking preventive actions to temporarily cancel College sponsored events and limiting socialization on College campuses and sites. The preventive measure is to safeguard the health and well being of our College community and Navajo communities.

You can find updated information about COVID-19 disease activity and recommendations at these sites:

CDC: 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Arizona Department of Public Health

New Mexico Department of Health

Nation Nation Department of Health