Diné College AIHEC Team Prepares for the 2024 Student Conference

    16 February 2024

    TSAILE, AZ — The Diné College team of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) convened to begin preparations for the upcoming participation in the 2024 AIHEC Student Conference.
    The conference, themed “Honoring Our Traditions, Adapting to our Future,” will be held from March 9-12, 2024, in Minneapolis, Minn. The team, comprising both coaches and students, is looking forward to representing Diné College at the event.
    “Diné College participates at the AIHEC Student Conference annually, representing our Navajo People among hundreds of fellow Native American communities across the US,” said Velveena Davis, Co-chairperson. “The event is something to admire. Our Dine College students are brilliant and have talent and skills that can be showcased at a national level at the student conference. AIHEC provides an environment for tribal students to compete in friendly academics and non-academic competitions while learning from one another and proudly representing our nation as a whole.”
    “Many students walk away with an experience that empowers their abilities to go beyond what they imagined education, taking them to contribute back to Navajo and neighboring tribal communities. We are excited to give our students this opportunity to attend the conference this year,” said Davis.
    Diné College’s participation underscores its commitment to fostering higher education and professional development among Native American students. The team is expected to engage in various activities during the conference, showcasing their skills, knowledge, and Diné heritage.
    “Honoring our traditions while adapting to the future is a significant theme that resonates with us as a community,” said Patrick Blackwater, Diné College. “We are excited to participate in the conference and share our unique perspective.”
    For more information about Diné College’s participation in the AIHEC Student Conference, please get in touch with Diné College.

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