Office of Career Advancement

Vacant, CoordinatorThe program’s mission is to commit to strengthening the first year experience for Diné College students with mentoring services by connecting students with an academically successful mentor. The Peer Mentoring Program collaborates with Academic Advisors and program coordinators on advising initiatives, workshops, program promotions, New Student Orientation, etc. Transfer & Career Program The Transfer & Career Program provides services to students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. Workshops are held to assist students on various topics including transfer admissions, college or university application process, advanced preparation and selection. The office delivers reference materials, college catalogs, applications, and other services necessary for planning and achieving a smooth transition between institutions. Project Success Emergency Aid Program The Project Success Emergency Aid program can assist enrolled part-time or full-time Diné College students with a one-time service per semester financial assistance to eligible students facing unexpected financial emergencies. Project Success Grant is available from Fall 2017 through Fall 2019. In addition, this program provides extensive online financial education for college students in learning to make responsible choices about managing their money. The program will help raise awareness about financial literacy for all enrolled part-time and full-time Diné College students in providing a solid foundation for financial success. Ms. Marlencia D. Chee oversees the Emergency Aid Program, her contact information is 505.368.3625 or Her office is located at Shiprock Student Success Center. Reeverson is the point of contact at Tsaile main campus.
Education Outreach Program Vacant, Coordinator It is our mission to promote and extend Every Student Shall Succeed Act (ESSSA) activities to K-8 Schools and communities through career readiness and college education initiatives. Our purpose is making initial progress towards college campus tours during the summer and throughout the school year providing college education and career readiness events/programs for students and staff. Project Success Paid Internship The Paid Internship program offers a short-term placement opportunity on campus to gain valuable applied experience and make connections integrating knowledge and theory in professional fields across campus. College Interns learn valuable on-the-job skills, advanced experience to area of study with the support of respective intern site-supervisors. Title III initiated the first Student Paid Internship in Summer 2017 followed by Great Lakes Project Success Grant. Sexual Assault Campus Resistance Education at Diné College (SACRED) Program The Sexual Assault Resistance Education at Diné College (SACRED) Program was established October 2017. SACRED is a sexual assault college campus prevention program. This program strives to address the social issues of sexual assault through initiating collaborative prevention programming. SACRED seeks to promote, inform, educate, and collaborate with the campus community on sexual assault. In doing so, the sacred program utilizes culturally sensitive teachings that align with the institution’s values and philosophy. The SACRED program is continuously growing and evolving to address sexual assault on Diné College campuses and neighboring communities on the Navajo Nation. It is the mission of the SACRED Program to listen, educate, and inform the college campuses and create a healthy safe environment that fosters student academic success.

Director of Career Advancement
Reeverson R. Descheny

Transfer Specialist
Jeremiah R. Holiday

SACRED Coordinator
Kimberly E. Baker

SACRED Research Assistant
Cheyenne R. Bedonie

Student Success Center
Tsaile Campus


Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
Sat, Sun and Holidays: Closed

Office of Career Advancement
1 Circle Drive
PO Box C11
Tsaile, AZ 86556