Current Students
Current student advisement is the process where academic advisors help students plan their courses, meet graduation requirements, and address academic or personal challenges. Advisors provide guidance on course selection, academic progress, career advice, and personal development, helping students stay on track with their goals. Regular meetings, usually each semester, are typically part of this support.

Welcome to Current Students Advisement
Mission Statement
Embracing Sa’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hózhó (SNBH), the Academic Advising department provides a student-centered environment to promote academic success, personal growth, and career development.
Sa’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hózhó bił ałhii’ siláago nihe’ółta’i bi’ólta’ dóó bi’óhoo’aah bił hwiit’ááł yinahji’ binaanish yee iiná íidoolííł.
Advising Philosophy
Academic Advisors at Diné College will adhere to key principles of SNBH (Nitsáhákees, Nahat’á, Iiná and Sihasin) and the Core Competencies of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). Academic advising is a partnership between the student and the academic advisor. The purpose of advising is to help students develop meaningful educational goals consistent to values that fit their personal and cultural interests, and their abilities toward a career goal.
Advising Model
Diné College’s advising model is based on the Diné educational paradigm, Sa’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hozhóón to develop student’s educational and career pathways.
New Student Orientation
Yá’át’ééh, Welcome to Diné College! Complete this checklist to prepare for
- Student Orientation Video will be uploaded here soon!
- Message from Diné College President: TBA
- Student Orientation Video: View Video
- After viewing the video complete a survey to show your participation and
acknowledgement as a Diné College Student: Survey
Form - View Student Services, Learning Center, Library Resources and ENG 101
Virtual Hub using Blackboard: Use Chrome web browser https://dine.blackboard.com/ to log into
Blackboard. If you have issues logging into your account, submit an IT-Help
ticket https://snapp01.dinecollege.edu/HomePage.do or
contact IT staff at (928) 724-6675.
- Register with ConexED account using the Chrome web browser. This
student account is allowing you access to schedule advising/registration
appointments with Student Services https://dinecollege.craniumcafe.com/login - New students (first time in college) and high school concurrent
students may contact FYE Advisors fyeprogram@dinecollege.edu and on
ConexED https://dinecollege.craniumcafe.com/stephannejim for
advisement.- Continuing, Returning and Transfer student may email dcadvisors@dinecollege.edu to
contact an advisor
- Continuing, Returning and Transfer student may email dcadvisors@dinecollege.edu to
- Log into MYDCPORTAL by visiting https://www.dinecollege.edu/. Admissions will
email your Diné College username and password to the personal email listed on your
admissions application. Keep in mind sometimes the Microsoft 365 emails will be sent
to SPAM inbox. If you have issues logging into your account, submit an IT-Help
ticket https://snapp01.dinecollege.edu/HomePage.do or
contact IT staff at (928) 724-6675.- MyDCPortal will provide you access to all your student accounts using the
same password and username: https://dinecollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/MyDCPortal.pdf - MyDCPortal APP: https://dinecollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/MYDCPORTAL-APP-New.pdf
- View all student accounts to become familiar with your resources: IT-Help,
MyDineCollege, Blackboard, Microsoft 365 (college email), ConexED, Warrior
Card, Follett Bookstore, DC Library, Coffee Shop, & Cafeteria Order.
- MyDCPortal will provide you access to all your student accounts using the
- Read the following to familiarize yourself with online college
expectations:- A laptop/desktop and Wi-Fi (internet) access is required as an online
college student. Using a phone or IPad will make your online learning
experience in college challenging, creating barriers to your success. - Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome is the recommended web browser for
Blackboard - Always check your SPAM email sometime emails from the college will be sent
to this inbox. - IT Orientation: https://dine.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/institution/IT
– Student Orientation.pdf - Blackboard Help: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Student
- Learning about Media Share: https://dine.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/institution/MediaShareIQ/MEDIASHAREiQ
Learner User Guide April 2020.pdf - Media Share & Blackboard: https://dine.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/xid-3187154_1
- Videos:
- Submit an assignment: https://youtu.be/Cv1KOhABlBE
- Use Discussions: https://youtu.be/vNMO-4I7uBI
- Test Overview: https://youtu.be/qztOnai9GZM
- Joining a Zoom Meeting: https://youtu.be/vFhAEoCF7jg
- Downloading Navajo Font: Log into MYDINECOLLEGE. Navajo Fonts will be
available in Student Information & Tools. You may also access this by
visiting www.dinecollege.edu and select “Current Student: tab
and view download tabs at the bottom of the page.
- A laptop/desktop and Wi-Fi (internet) access is required as an online
- Financial Aid Staff are on ConexED: https://www.dinecollege.edu/financial-aid-contacts/
- a payment plan with the Cashiers Office. To make payments on your student
bill call (928) 724-6687 or email grhaskie@dinecollege.edu - Complete your FAFSA (using your 2019 tax returns): https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
- Diné College School Code: 008246
- If you are registering for summer classes complete a 2021-2022 FAFSA
application using 2019 tax information - If you are registering for fall classes complete a 2022-2023 FAFSA
application using 2020 tax information - At the end of your FAFSA you are going to submit it electronically
using your FSA ID, also using your parent FSA ID to sign it
electronically as well.
- If you have questions about this application process you may contact a
Financial Aid staff on ConexED www.dinecollege.edu/admissions/financial-aid-contacts/ The
staff contact information will be on the ConexED contact cards - If eligible, complete the Navajo Nation Scholarship Application: https://onnsfa.org/
- Dine’ College Scholarships: https://www.dinecollege.edu/admissions/scholarships/
- Complete the Financial Literacy 101: http://financialliteracy101.org/
- a payment plan with the Cashiers Office. To make payments on your student
- Course Material: If you have questions on your course material
(such as textbooks or software for math), please email your instructor for further
information. You may find your instructor’s email on your Microsoft 365 address
book.- Email your instructor to request a course syllabus
- Visit Follett Online Bookstore https://www.bkstr.com/dinecollegestore/shop/textbooks-and-course-materials to
find the ISBN numbers for your required course material. - You may contact Financial Aid at finaid@dinecollege.edu or
(928) 724-6730/6731 to get information on book vouchers. - Using the ISBN numbers for each required text you may research other
websites to browse to compare prices that you can afford:- www.amazon.com/
- www.chegg.com/
- www.ecampus.com/
- Diné College Textbooks on Facebook
- Contact reslife@dinecollege.edu to
ask about their book exchange.
- Please schedule an appointment with a staff to get your student ID
card- COVID-19 Guidelines:
- COVID-19 Vaccination will be required for students
- 1st day of in-person class, students must present and
have vaccination cards verified by Health Screeners (To contact a
health screener: clifjames@dinecollege.edu or
928-724-6911) - Mask is required and sanitize work stations
- Diné College Centers & Point of Contact for Student ID Cards:
- Foster Gorman for Tsaile campus (928) 724-6744 email fgorman@dinecollege.edu
- Priscilla Cooley for Tuba City at (928) 283-7504 pcooley@dinecollege.edu
- Nicholas Begay for Window Rock center (928) 871-2230 x7606 email njbegaye@dinecollege.edu
- Peggy Willetto-West for Crownpoint center (505) 786-7391 email pwilletto-west@dinecollege.edu
- Charlotte Topaha for Shiprock Center (505) 368-3548 email ctopaha@dinecollege.edu Shiprock
center by appointment only - Gwen Dedman for Chinle Center (928) 674-3319 email gdedman@dinecollege.edu Chinle
Center by appointment only
- Things needed to receive a student ID card:
- Spring Course Schedule: check your Diné College email, Registrar’s
emailed your course schedule the day you completed registration. You
may also visit www.dinecollege.edu, log
into MYDCPORTAL, select MYDINECOLLEGE and select Course Schedule in
“Student Information and Tools” - Covid-19 Vaccination Card: Both Covid-19 Vaccination shots are
required to attend in-person classes - If you do not get a student ID card made before your in-person
class, be sure to have your course schedule an Covid-19 Vaccination
Card available when being cleared with a campus Health Screener and
to attend your class.
- Spring Course Schedule: check your Diné College email, Registrar’s
- COVID-19 Guidelines:
- Diné College Campus/Center Maps: View Maps
- Tsaile Campus Parking Permit:
- Contact Campus Security at clifjames@dinecollege.edu or (928)
724-6911 to request information on the parking permit application. - Below are a list of emergency numbers to call in case of an emergency at
Tsaile Center:- Campus Security Dispatcher (928) 724-6802
- Campus Emergency (928) 724-6911
- Campus Security Cellphone (928) 349-3950
- Chinle Police Department (928) 674-2111/2112
- Contact Campus Security at clifjames@dinecollege.edu or (928)
- If you are interested in campus housing, visit the Diné College
website for information.- Online application: www.dinecollege.edu/residence/residence-life
- If you have, questions contact Residence Life Manager, Ms. Sharon Begay.
- Email: shbegay@dinecollege.edu Phone:
(928) 724-6782
- Email: shbegay@dinecollege.edu Phone:
- Career Exploration and Goal Setting Websites:
- College Scorecard: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/
- Are you GRAD READY? https://gradready.com/sponsor/dinecollege
- Creating a Study Schedule: https://www.goingmerry.com/blog/study-tips-for-college/
- Self-Care Tips: https://timely.md/blog/self-care-tips-for-college-students/#1-maintain-connections
- Questions about Shiprock Diné College Library or other Diné College
Centers email: library@dinecollege.edu
Last but not least, congratulations on making it this far on your road of endeavor. As, a
participant in the First Year Experience (FYE) Program, you will have an opportunity to meet
people within the Din4 College Community to improve communication skills and work
experience. The FYE Program is a resource available for the first-time freshman and high
school concurrent students. FYE team building opportunities provide students a chance to
apply their thoughts, ideas and voice into a plan of action to develop leadership qualities
and self-confidence in college. We invite students to participate in advising discussions
that implement our Diné learning philosophy of Sa’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoon, to prepare for
community leadership, interviews and scholarship opportunities. Our team is here if you
should have any questions contact us at fyeprogram@dinecollege.edu Please take
some time to read through all resources below and save them to a jump drive or desktop for
your information and planning tools.
Advisement Information
All incoming freshmen and transfer students are required to meet with their academic advisor before registering for classes. Returning and continuing students can meet with either an academic advisor (if the student has less than 32 credit hours) or program coordinator and/or a faculty advisor (if the student has more than 32 credit hours). To schedule an appointment with your advisor, please call 928-724-6855 or you can email dcadvisors@dinecollege.edu.
What is Advising
Academic Advising is a collaborative relationship between the student and the advisor (academic or faculty). Using the Diné Educational philosophy, advisors and/or program coordinators at Diné College will assist students in developing their educational and career pathways. Advisors will assist students in understanding and completing their chosen program of study. Advisors promote critical thinking, resource development, and cultivate a plan of action to achieve student’s educational and career goals.
Diné College advisors fulfills its mission by using the Sa’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hózhó (SNBH) principle as a framework to guide their students, based on Nitsáhákees (Thinking), Nahat’á (Planning), Iiná (Living) and Sihasin (Assuring).
Advisors Role and Responsibilites
- Provide accurate and consistent information
- Clarify program requirements and procedures
- Assist students in identifying appropriate institutional resources
- Facilitate relationships between the student and other individuals on campus who may provide assistance
- Uphold the academic standards of the institution
- Conduct new student orientation and provide educational programming
- Promote Student Code of Conduct, campus policies, and procedures
Advisors will periodically contact their advisees to review progress towards educational goals and provide assistance in all aspects of the college experience.
Advising sessions are to be kept confidential per FERPA Law (see link below). It is not necessary to make an appointment to see an advisor, but it is encouraged, especially during peak hours (early registration, meeting deadlines, etc.)
Disability Support Services
Students with Disabilities
The college provides reasonable accommodations with reference to academic support services to students with disabilities. A student with a disability who wants to seek accommodations for classes, should contact the Disability Coordinator at the Tsaile Campus (includes Chinle, Tuba City, and Window Rock) or Shiprock Branch (includes Shiprock and Crownpoint).
Students in postsecondary education are responsible for self-identifying; provide disability documentation, and request accommodations.
The college is responsible for providing reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
Examples of reasonable accommodations:
- Ensure existing facilities are readily accessible
- Adaptive equipment & materials
- Note taking, recording lectures
- Extended times for homework, quizzes, exams, and special projects
- Out-of-classroom testing
Eligibility for accommodations:
A student requesting reasonable accommodations must provide documentation of a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits the student’s ability to perform one or more major life activities. (The Americans with Disabilities Act definition; ADA, Title 42, Chapter 126, Section 12102). Documentation must be within the last three years. The student must update their file each semester, when requesting services.
Conditions that may substantiate limitation:
- Learning disabilities
- Hearing/Vision impairments
- Mobility/physical challenges
- Other health impairment
- Psychological impairments
- Traumatic brain injury
Disability services and FERPA:
Disability related information and documentation are treated the same as medical information and handled under strict rules of confidentiality. FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974), also known as the Buckley Amendment, provides faculty with free access to educational information in institutional files regarding students with whom they are teaching, advising or other capacity. Disability related records are excluded from free access under FERPA. Also excluded from free access under FERPA are inquiries external to the institution related to a student’s disability or academic progress.
Lavine Blackmountain, M.Ed.
Email: lblackmountain@dinecollege.edu
Office: 928-724-6856
Rosalind A. Russell, M.Ed.
Email: rosrussell@dinecollege.edu
Office: 505-368-3627
Eligible Veterans should apply early
Please note that all Veterans Administration (VA) paperwork is processed at the main campus (Tsaile) before documents are submitted to the Regional Processing Office (RPO) in Muskogee, Oklahoma for final review and approval.
Types of Forms
Several types of forms for education benefits are are available online at www.gibill.va.gov. All other forms can be obtained at the same website.
- VA Form VA 22-1990. If you have never used your VA benefits prior to applying, you must complete an application for VA benefits.
- VA form 22-1995. Veterans that have used their VA benefits prior to attending Dine’ College. This application informs the RPO you are requesting a change (place of training or change of program).
- VA Form DD-2384-1 (Notice of Basic Eligibility or NOBE). Verify Selected Reserve to Montgomery GI Bill® must be signed and approved.
Rate of Pay: Rate of Pay schedules are available online at www.gibill.va.gov. Students can also check with the school representative at their respective campus.
Spouse and Dependents: If a deceased veteran was 100% disabled at the time of their death, a deceased veteran’s spouse and/or dependent may be eligible for VA benefits.
Previous College and/or Training Credits: If you previously attended other college(s) or training, you must obtain and submit copies of all other transcripts, to include military transcripts (for those who served), to the Dine’ College’s Registrar Office. VA regulations require that all transcripts be evaluated by the school Registrar Office. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all transcripts have been received and evaluated.
Student Status: As a Veteran student, you must keep the school’s certifying official informed of any changes that may affect your VA benefits (i.e., add, drop or withdraw a course). This constitutes a change in your enrollment, the VA Processing Office is notified, and adjustments are made to the student’s monthly rate of benefits.
GI Bill® is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the U.S. government website https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/
Note: In accordance with the college policy, students must maintain Attendance and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
Navajo Language & Culture Resource Program (NLCRP)
Mission Statement
The Navajo Language & Culture Resource Program (NLCRP) uses the Diné educational paradigm, Sa’ah Nagháí Bik’eh Hózhóón or SNBH to promote Diné language & identity to students. The program encourages the use and application of language, history and culture campus wide. NLCRP incorporates Diné teachings in student programs and builds cultural relevance into academic and student support services.
Vision Statement
The Navajo Language & Culture Resource Program is here to advance the Institution’s Diné identity, by inspiring students to carry on the Diné language & culture and keep it strong for generations to come.
What is Navajo Language & Culture Resource Program
The program goals are to introduce Diné language and culture to all Diné College students through workshops and other collaborations. The program incorporates Diné teachings and key principles of SNBH Nitsáhákees (Thinking), Nahat’á (Planning), Iiná (Living) and Sihasin (Assuring) to campus wide programs, to integrate traditional knowledge and teachings, with western philosophies. NLCRP supports and promotes a sense of Hózhó to our Diné College students.
Johnnie Bia Jr.
Navajo Language and Culture Specialist
Email: jebia@dinecollege.edu or NLCRP@dinecollege.edu
Office: 928-724-6865
Peer Mentor Program
Mission Statement
Our mission is to encourage commitment and strengthen the college experience of our Dine College students. Our mentoring services will connect students with an academically successful mentor.
Vision Statement
Peer Mentor Program prepares students to conquer the challenges mentees face while transitioning into college by improving the skills necessary for success in their academic careers.
Peer Mentor Program
A peer mentor provides support, encouragement, and information to incoming freshmen and transfer students, as they transition into college life. Peer Mentors are students helping students as a resource of support.
The mentoring program pairs a mentee with a mentor in order to help students transition from first year to second year. The program also assists referred students by seeking resources to become successful in the classroom and build the skills necessary to handle challenges in their academic career.
- Mentors have valuable knowledge acquired through their academic experiences, and understand how important support is for incoming students.
- Mentors are role models who are available to guide incoming students to build the skillset to become successful.
- Mentors serve as a friendly, added support system for students.
- Mentors are positive role models, by promoting an inviting and safe learning experience, while encouraging mentees to build self-esteem and self-confidence.
Mentor – Mentee Relationship
- Mentees are assigned to a mentor within the same field of study or based on other preferences.
- One-on-one meetings are scheduled between the mentors and mentees to discuss their progress.
- Mentor and mentees work together to plan study sessions, recommend resources to improve academic skills, plan and implement short-term, and long-term academic goals.
Brandon Harvey, M.Ed.
Peer Mentor Coodinator
Email: bharvey@dinecollege.edu
Office Number: (928)724-6857
Tsaile Student Success Center
(928) 724-6855
Window Rock Center: (928) 871-2230