Associated Students
Welcome and thank you for selecting Diné College to continue your journey in pursuing an education. We promise to provide current students with a learning environment that is challenging and supportive of your personal and professional goals. Throughout the Navajo Nation, Diné College is known for quality, accessible and affordable classes.
Our Mission
Fostering the rights of student government while administering an educational center, promoting student leadership, providing student activities, and preserving our Diné culture and traditions.
Associated Students of Diné College
We, the Students of Diné College hereby establish a constitution to provide a voice for our students. Promoting a cohesive relationship with students, staff, faculty, and community. Through this constitution, we shall exercise shared governance using the Diné teachings of Sa’ah Naaggháí Bik’eh Hózhóón as our guiding principle; whereas students may understand being Diné through teachings of Naayée’k’ehgo Na’nitin and Hózhǫ́ǫ́jìk’ehgo Na’nitin to serve the general welfare and well-being of the students.
What’s in Store for Students?
Interview with ASDC President Brandon Lester
2024-25 ASDC Officers
Jalen Smallcanyon
Received AA in Diné Studies in SP’ 2024
BFA in Creative Writing
‘Adóone’é nishłįgíí ‘éí Tł’ízí łaní
‘Áádóó Honágháahnii ‘éí bashishchiin
Naaná Tódich’ii’nii ‘éí dashicheii
Áádóó Kinłichíí’nii ‘éí dashináli
Nizhonibaa Phillips
AS in Biology
Shí éí Nizhonibaa Phillips yinishyé. Tł’ááshchí’í nishłį, Ma’ii Deeshgiizhnii báshíshchziin, Tódích’ii’nii éí shicheii áádóó Tsi’naajinii dashinalí. Lukachukai dę́ę́’ naashá.
Student Clubs & Organizations
- Azee’ Bee Nahagha of Diné College (ABNDC)
- Artisans Club
- Red Dawn Pow Wow Club
- Book Club
Brandon Begaye
Athletic Manager/ASDC Advisor
Kameica Yazzie
Health Education & Promotion Coordinator/ASDC Advisor
Christina L. Valdez
Career Education Specialist/ASDC Advisor