Certified Medical Assistant

About Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Program

Diversity of the workforce is essential to success in the ever-changing healthcare industry. The healthcare market is diverse by definition, due to that, healthcare services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team. Thus, an increasing number of students/ professionals are always needed in the healthcare industry at various career levels. There is a significant and growing demand for certified medical assistant professionals in the fields of outpatient and inpatient care services throughout United States and especially within the Navajo Nation.

Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Program at Diné College Tuba City, Ariz. – Diné College, under the umbrella of STEM Division offers a one year Certificate Program in “Medical Assisting”. First cohort (10 students) of this one-year certificate program started in fall 2020 at our Tuba City Center in Collaboration with Tuba City Regional Health Care Center (TCRHCC) with focus on preparation of local workforce in primary/allied healthcare fields. These students received their graduation Certificates in fall graduation ceremony on December 10th 2021. Second cohort of 20 graduates received their certificates in fall 2022 and third cohort of 20 students is underway.

Additionally, our graduates of CMA program are being prepared for National level exam from NHA (National Healthcare Association www.nhanow.com/about-nha/about-us) right upon completion of their program to be eligible to work anywhere in the country. An initiative that has been very well cherished by the healthcare communities and organizations throughout the reservation. Our NHA exam pass rate for the year 2021 90% (9 out of 10) and 87% (14/16) for 2022.

According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics updated September 04, 2019, the employment of medical assistants is projected to grow 23 percent from 2018 to 2028 in US, much faster than the average for all occupations. The growth of the aging baby-boom population will continue to increase demand for preventive medical services, which are often provided by physicians in outpatient care settings. These opportunities present both challenges and opportunities for academic institutions, TCUs, and healthcare organizations to initiate, develop and sustain programs in allied healthcare such as “Certified Medical Assistant” program (CMA).

We at Diné College feels that this is the need of the time to train local workforce in skilled careers, that might provoke their interest in more long term careers like Associate degrees, BS/MS/MD and PhD programs. Designed according to the “Higher Learning Commission (HLC)” requirements and the guideline provided in Appendix B of Core Curriculum for Medical Assistants, Advised by the “Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB)” 2015, this program at Diné College will facilitate access, development of autonomy and innovation among students through self-motivation, discipline and resource management skills. These same skills will provide a unique skill set, students will need to succeed as professionals in challenging and exciting healthcare positions and as citizens in our increasing global society.

This program provides our Navajo students the complete academic and hands on training at their local campuses and local healthcare services centers, not far from home, weekend classes (every Saturday and Sunday), so even with their continued employment and family responsibilities; students can attend the classes. Face-to-Face interaction with the faculty and hands on training at both Diné College and Tuba city Regional Healthcare Center (TCRHCC) will increase the percentage of locally trained workforce and Job opportunities for the local communities.

This is an open opportunity at Diné College for those who want to serve their community via healthcare, and hoping this “Certified Medical Assistant Program” will be the stepping-stone for more allied healthcare certification/degree programs to help and serve the Navajo Nation in particular.

Program Requirements Credits
Semester I
CMA 160/BIO 160 Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology 4
CMA 170/BIO 170 Medical Terminology 4
CMA 103 Introduction to Medical Assisting 3
CMA 104 Introduction to Medical Lab Techniques 3
CMA 105 Basic Mathematics, Quality Control & Statistics 3

CMA Exam 1: Mid-program Review and Exam: On completion of courses listed as prerequisites in semester one, the Certified Medical Assistant Program, students will appear for a Mid-Program Review and Exam to monitor their level of understanding, progress and deficiencies. It is mandatory to pass this exam in order to move forward in the program.

Semester II
CMA 107 Biosafety & Infection Control 3
CMA 108 Pharmacology for Medical Assistant/Lab 4
CMA 109 Ambulatory Care Clinical Procedures 4
CMA 110 Medical Office Administration 3

CMA Exam 2: Final Exam: On completion of all courses of Certified Medical Assistant Program and before starting the Externship training at TCRHCC or any other partnering health care facility, it will be necessary for the students to appear for a Final comprehensive Exam to monitor their overall level of understanding, competencies and knowledge requirements for a medical assistant. None of the students will be allowed to go for externship at any healthcare facility before clearing all courses and passing both CMA Exam 1 and CMA Exam 2.

Summer Session
CMA 111 Med Bus Practices: Admin Functions & Coding 3
CMA 113 Internship at TCRHCC 4

Graduation Requires: Successful completion of CMA Exam 1, CMA Exam 2 and Internship (minimum GPA 2.5 or a C grade)

B.S. Public Health

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (B.S)

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health is a classic program of courses that meet the core competencies for the five subdiscplines of public health. This program prepares students to enter the public health workforce, to contribute to public health research, and/or to continue with more advanced academic degree programs. The BS program will have two tracts, a two-year junior-senior tract for students entering with an Associates of Science degree, and a four-year tract for students entering as freshmen.

Two-Year Program

The two-year junior-senior BS Public Health program will follow the student’s first two years after completing their AS degree in either Public Health, Health Occupations, or a related science degree. Students must have degree requirements that may not have been in their AS degree including : PSY 240, PUH 111, PUH 141 or 241, PUH 200, PUH 275, MTH 213, and HEE 111.

Professional Preparation Coursework

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101 Freshman English I
ENG 102 Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
Navajo Studies
NIS 111 Foundation of Navajo Culture
NIS 221 Navajo History to Present
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Laboratory Science
BIO 181 General Biology I
CHM 130 Fundamental Chemistry
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Lower Division Requirements 30
BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
HEE 111 Personal and Community Health
MTH 213/PSY 213 Statistics
PUH 111 Introduction to Public Health
PUH 141 Nutrition for Health
PUH 241 Human Nutrition
PUH 200 Principles of Health Education
PUH 270 Community Health Assesment and Planning
PUH 280 Implementation and Eval of PH Interventions



Upper Division Requirements 60
Junior Year Semester I
NIS 371 Navajo Philosophy
PUH 170 Medical Terminology
PUH 201 Prin of Environmental Public Health
PUH 275 Health Services and Policy
PUH 395 Introduction to Epidemiology
Program Credits:
Junior Year Semester II Credits
NIS 311 Introduction to Navajo Holistic Healing
PSY 240 Human Growth and Development
PUH 300 Health and Human Diseases
PUH 350 Global Indigenous Health
PUH 391 Seminar in Public Health
Program Credits:
Senior Year Semester III
PUH 345 Theories of Health Behavior
PUH 355 Health Disparities
PUH 360 American Indian Maternal, Infant, Child, and Sexual Health
PUH 490 Public Health Research Methods
Program Credits:
Senior Year Semester IV
NAV 231 Medical Terminology of the Navajo
NAV 385 Mental Health Issues in Public Health
PUH 497 Public Health Research Methods Practicum
PUH 498 Indigenous Research Methods
Program Credits:
Degree Earned Credits
General Education
Lower Division Program Requirements
Upper Division Requirements
Total Credits Earned:
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
Public Health, General 51.2201


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

B.S. Biology

Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)

The Bachelors of Science in Biology is a classic program of course surveying a wide range of disciplines, including molecular and cellular, organismal, and ecological levels of biology. The theoretical knowledge and skills taught in this program will allow students to enter graduate programs or a variety of professional careers.

Two Year Program

The two-year junior-senior BS Biology program will follow the student’s first two years after completing their AS degree in either Biology, General Science, Health Occupation, Environmental Science, Agroecology, or similar science area. Students must have degree requirements that may not have been in their AS degree: BIO 181/182, CHM151/152, CHM 235, PHY110/111; MTH 190 (pre-calculus) and MTH 213 (statistics), or MTH 191 (calculus).

Four Year BS Biology Program

This curriculum for entering freshmen includes all biology, math and science support, and general education requirements. In the summer preceding first year it is recommend a student take MTH 096 and /or 100, tested out of or passed prior to MTH 110.

Freshman Semester I Credits
BIO 181 General Biology I 4
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 5
ENG 101 Freshman English I 3
MTH 110 College Algebra 4
Program Credits 16
BIO 182 General Biology II 4
CHM 152 General Chemistry II 4
ENG 102 Freshman English II 3
MTH 213 Statistics 4
Program Credits 15
BIO 221 Invertebrate Biology I 4
CHM 235 General Organic Chemistry I 4
MTH 190 Pre–Calculus 4
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Program Credits 15
BIO 222 Invertebrate Biology II 4
BIO 223 Vertebrate Zoology 4
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Program Credits 14
BIO 305 Writing in Biology 1
BIO 326 Ecology 4
CHM 360 Fundamental Biochemistry 3
PHY 110 Algebra-based Physic I 4
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Program Credits 15
BIO 334 Cell Biology 3
BIO 372 Revolutionary Thought in Biology 3
PHY 111 Algebra-based Physics II 4
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Elective 3
Program Credits 16
BIO 415 Plant Taxonomy 4
BIO 425 Animal Physiology 4
BIO 435 Evolutionary Biology 3
BIO 498 Senior Seminar 1
Gen. Educ. Course: 3
Program Credits 15
BIO 426 Plants and Climate 3
BIO 498 Senior Seminar 1
BIO 499 Contemporary Developments in Biology 1-3
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Gen. Educ. Course 3
Elective 3
Program Credits 16
Degree Earned Credits
Lower Division Program Requirements 60
Upper Division Program Requirements 62
Total Credits Earned: 122
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
26.0101 Biology/Biological Sciences, General.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. Public Health

Public Health (A.S.)

This program is designed for health professionals who want to pursue a career in community and population health. It promotes Navajo concepts of health and wellness. This degree can be used to transfer to a college that offers four-year programs in public health, health education, health promotion, or community health. The program offers two options: Health Education (Sociocultural) and Environmental Public Health.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
BIO 205 Microbiology 4
PUH 111 Introduction to Public Health 3
PUH 270 Comm. Health Assessment and Planning 3
PUH 295 Public Health Sciences 3
Program Credits 13
Choose Option A or B Credits
Option A:
PUH 280 Implementation and Evaluation of Public Health Interventions 3
Electives from the following: EDU 200; BIO 170, 201; PSY 111, 240, 250; SOC 111, 225, 230; PUH 241, 289 3
Option B:
PUH 290 Public Health Research Methods 4
PUH 297 Practicum 3
Choose Specialization Option A or B Credits
Option A: Health Ed. (Sociocultural Option)
HEE 110 Introduction to Wellness 3
HEE 111 Personal and Community Health 3
PUH 200 Principles of Health Education 3
Option B: Environmental Public Health Option
PUH 201 Principles of Environmental Public Health 3
PUH 202 Uranium and Environmental Health 3
ENV 160 Introduction to Geographic Info System
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 13
Choose Option A or B 6-7
Specialization 9-10
Total Credits Earned: 68-73
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
51.2207 Public Health Education and Promotion.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. Pre-Engineering

Pre-Engineering (A.S.)

This degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year Engineering Program. With this degree students will be able to enter the junior year of most programs. Others may chose to prepare for employment as engineering technicians.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
EGR 111 Introduction to Engineering 3
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus 4
MTH 191 Calculus I 4
MTH 192 Calculus II 4
MTH 192 Calculus III 4
MTH 221 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
PHY 121 Calculus-based Physics I 4
PHY 131 Calculus-based Physics II 4
Program Credits 30
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 30
Total Credits Earned: 70-73
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
14.0102 Pre-Engineering


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. Physics

Physics (A.S.)

This option provides a foundation in physics as preparation for further studies at a four-year college or university.  IMPORTANT: To fulfill General Education Science Core Students must take CHM 151 and 152.  All A.S.  degrees require ANY BIO class to fulfill the Science Core, with the exception of the A.S. degree in Physics.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
CHM 151 General Chemistry I 5
CHM 152 General Chemistry II 4
CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals 3
PHY 121 Calculus-based Physics I 4
PHY 131 Calculus-based Physics II 4
MTH 191 Calculus I 4
MTH 192 Calculus II 4
Program Credits 28
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 28
Total Credits Earned: 68-71

*Choose one Life Science with lab from BIO; and one Physical Science with lab from: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY or PHS on the Associate of Science Degree Checklist.

Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
40.0801 Physics, General.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. Mathematics

Mathematics (A.S.)

Students earning a Mathematics degree receive a foundation in pure mathematics and selected topics in physical sciences or economics. Students are prepared to pursue employment or further studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, or engineering. IMPORTANT: To full the General Education Mathematics Core, students are required to take MTH 110, which is a prerequisite for the MTH 190 Program Requirement. All A.S. degrees require ANY BIO class to fulfill the Science Core.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus 4
MTH 191 Calculus I 4
MTH 192 Calculus II 4
MTH 220 Calculus III 4
Choice of two
MTH 210 Discrete Mathematics
MTH 213 Statistics
MTH 221 Ordinary Differential Equations
MTH 225 Elementary Linear Algebra
CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals 3
Program Credits 25-26
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 25-26
Total Credits Earned: 65-69
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
27.0101 Mathematics, General.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. Health Occupation

Health Occupation (A.S.)

Health Occupation is appropriate for students who plan to enter nursing or other allied health professions. Upon completion of this degree, students will be prepared to transfer to programs at four-year universities or technical schools. Math 114 is a recognized option to meet the General Education requirements for the State of Arizona and also meets the requirement for a math course in the nursing programs at NAU and ASU. IMPORTANT: To fulfill General Education Social and Behavioral Science Core Students must take PSY 111.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
BIO 201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 202 Human anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 205 Microbiology
Choice of one from:
ANT 111 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
NAV 231 Medical Terminology of the Navajo
SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology
Choice of three or four courses from the following:
BIO 170  Medical Terminology
BIO 182  General Biology II
BIO 184 Plant Biology
BIO 218 Human Pathophysiology
BIO 242 General Genetics
CHM 152 General Chemistry II
CHM 230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry
MTH 213 Statistics*
PHY 101 Fundamentals of Physics
PHY 110 Algebra-based Physics I
PSY 240 Human Growth & Development*
PUH 111 Introduction to Public Health
PUH 200 Principles of Health Education
PUH 201 Principles of Environmental Public Health
PUH 141 Nutrition for Health*
PUH 241 Human Nutrition*Note: BIO 181 and courses with * are recommended for transfer to most nursing programs
Program Credits 27-31
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 27-31
Total Credits Earned: 67-74
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
51.2207 Public Health Education and Promotion.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936

A.S. General Science

General Science (A.S.)

General Science provides maximum flexibility and is appropriate for students in pre-medicine, pharmacy,    dental, medical technology, and other professional fields. It is also the program of choice for geology and chemistry students.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
Choose one pair
CHM 151 General Chemistry I*
CHM 152 General Chemistry II*
CHM 130 Fundamental Chemistry
CHM 230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry*Pre-professional students are advised to take the CHM 151 and 152 sequences and may not choose CHM 130 and 230 for their section option.
Choose one pair
BIO 181 General Biology I
BIO 182 General Biology II
PHY 110 Algebra-based Physics I
PHY 111 Algebra-based Physics II
PHY 121 Calculus-based Physics I
PHY 131 Calculus-based Physics II
GLG 101 Indigenous Physical Geology
GLG 102 Historical Geology
Choice of One
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus*
MTH 213 Statistics*The AGEC-S block for Math and Science majors requires MTH 191.
*Science/Math Electives: 8 additional credits selected from:
MTH 190 or above; CHM 130 or above; PHY 110 or above; BIO 180 or above; GLG 101 or above; any ENV or CSC 150
Program Credits 28-29
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 28-29
Total Credits Earned: 68-72
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
24.0102 General Studies.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus


Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

A.S. Environmental Science

Environmental Science (A.S.)

Students selecting Environmental Science will be prepared to transfer to Bachelor of Science degree programs in Environmental Biology, Environmental Science, Wildlife Management, or Resource Management. Majors can receive internship support for research during both the academic year and the summer if they maintain good academic standing.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I
ENG 102: Freshman English II
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH)
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297
Fine Arts (FA)
Humanities (HUM)
Theater (THR) 101, 102
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra
MTH 114: College Mathematics
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT)
Sociology (SOC)
Social Work (SWO)
Social Science (SSC)
Political Science (POS)
Economics (ECO)
Psychology (PSY)
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122
PEH 113-148
Health Education (HEE)
HEE 110, 111, 112
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program Requirements Credits
BIO 182 General Biology II
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science
ENV 105 Climate Change for Tribal Peoples
ENV 230 Environmental Sampling and Monitoring
Choice of one
(Pre-professional students are advised to take)
CHM 152 General Chemistry II
or GLG 102 Historical Geology
Choice of one from:
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus
MTH 213 Statistics (AGEC-S block for Math and Science majors requires MTH 191).
Option: Must choose one:
BIO 184 Plant Biology
CHM 230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry
Program Credits 28
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Program Requirements 28
Total Credits Earned: 68-71
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
03.0104 Environmental Science.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556

(928) 724-6936