B.S. Secondary Education Mathematics – SDSE

The Bachelors of Science in Secondary Education, Mathematics Track, along with the Science Track is classic and also innovative program of mathematics secondary education.

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Mathematics (B.S.)

Courses include Diné College specialized courses in education and mathematics, and also standard required courses in secondary teacher preparation and advanced mathematics disciplines. In mathematics, the course survey a wide range of disciplines, including statistics, pre-calculus, calculus, discrete mathematic, differential equation, number theory, linear algebra, modern geometry, and history and philosophy of mathematics. The theoretical knowledge and skills taught in this program will allow students to enter teaching careers or graduate programs or a variety of professional careers. Current two-year AS degrees in mathematics and physics are not adequate for students’ desires for preparation for careers or graduate school. The BA in Elementary Education also does not meet the needs of students desirous of teaching at the secondary level. Further, there is a real need for secondary mathematics teachers on the Navajo Reservation, and in other regional locales. The closest university (Northern Arizona University) with which we are already articulating with for AS degree course work and BA in Elementary Education course work, does not have a tribal college environment which our tribal students find conductive to their academic. The specific education for teaching in a Diné predominant public or Charter school is also not met by NAU. A Dine College-provided BS in Secondary Education in Mathematics will meet the needs of most current AS degree seeking students for extending their academic goals and teaching goals, as well as BA in Elementary Education students who desire a Secondary Teacher Education preparation. Our BS in Secondary Education Mathematics Tracks program meets or exceeds the content and requirements of NAU’s BSEd in Secondary Education—Mathematics along with specific course work relevant to our local communities’ interests in both education and mathematics. The resulted from analysis of NAU and other regional universities’ BS in Secondary Education and Mathematics programs, along with Education and Mathematics faculty consultations. Outcomes align with standards from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, the National Mathematics Teachers Association, and the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium.

Freshman Semester I Credits
EDU 297 Practicum in Education 1
MTH 213 Statistics 4
MTH 190 Pre–Calculus 4
NAV Language Elective 4
ENG 101 Freshman English I 3
Program Credits 16
Freshman SEMESTER II Credits
EDU 240  Introduction to Special Education 3
EDU 352 Methods Teaching Diné Educational
Philosophy in B – 12 Schools
MTH 191 Calculus I 4
MTH 210 Discrete Mathematics 3
ENG 102 Freshman English II 3
Program Credits 16
Sophomore SEMESTER III Credits
EDU 353 Diversity in Navajo and American Indian Education 3
MTH 192 Calculus II 4
NIS 111 Foundations of Navajo Culture 3
Humanities and Fine Arts Elective 3
CSC 150 Programming Fundamentals 3
Program Credits 16
Sophomore SEMESTER IV Credits
EDU 361 Methods for Language Diverse Students I 3
MTH 220 Calculus III 4
MTH 221 Ordinary Different Equations 3
NIS 221 Navajo History to Present 3
HST History Elective 3
Program Credits 16
Junior SEMESTER I Credits
EDU 362 Intergrated Teaching Method for Bilingual/ESL Classrooms I 3
MTE 401 Methods for Teaching Secondary School Math I 3
MTH 318 Introduction to Number Theory 3
MTH 225 Elementary Linear Algebra 3
Humanities and Fine Arts Elective 3
Program Credits 15
Junior SEMESTER II Credits
EDU 475 Method for Language Diverse Students II 3
MTE 402 Methods If Teaching Secondary School Math II 3
MTH 365 Modern Geometry 3
BIO Life Science Elective with Lab 4
Social Behavioral Science Elective 3
Program Credits 16
Senior SEMESTER III Credits
EDU 476 SEI/ESL for Linguistically Divers Learners in Bilingual Settings 3
EDU 477 Intergrated Elementary Teaching Methods for Bilingual/ESL Classroom II 3
MTH 442 History and Philosophy of Math 3
Physical Science Elective with Lab 4
Physical or Health Education Elective 3
Program Credits 16
Senior SEMESTER IVCredits
EDU 496 School Law2
EDU 498 Student Teaching8
EDU 499 Diné Education Seminar2
Program Credits12
Degree Earned Credits
Lower Division Program Requirements 64
Upper Division Program Requirements 59
Total Credits Earned 123
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
13.1311 Mathematics Teacher Education.


James Tutt

Dean of School of STEM

1 Circle Drive, Route 12

Tsaile, Arizona 86556

(928) 724-6938


Nesbah Kahn

Administrative Assistant


Room 123A

Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)

Tsaile Campus

Mail to:

Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

1 Circle Dr. | Tsaile, AZ 86556


(928) 724-6936