Placement Assessments
Placement assessments are tests used to evaluate a student’s skills in subjects like math, reading, or writing. They help schools place students in the appropriate level of courses based on their abilities, ensuring they are appropriately challenged.

Writing and Math Placement Assessment
Diné College no longer uses the ACCUPLACER Placement Test in Math, Reading or Writing.
Requirements in place to meet placement assessment for Writing and Math:
- Acceptance into Diné College with all documents submitted to the Office of Admission at Tsaile Campus.
- Official High School Transcript
- Official High School SAT Scores
*Must have been taken within the last five years.
Writing Placement
English faculty will conduct writing Placement Assessment. All incoming first year students will be enrolled in ENG 101. English faculty will be doing their own pretest and posttest on the first day of class to determine if they remain in ENG 101 or promoted to ENG 102.
Mathematics Placement
The Admissions Office will determine student enrollment in MTH 100, 102, 106, or 110 depending on SAT scores or Official High School Transcript.
Exceptions may be made for transfer students who have successfully completed college level English and/or math at another institution upon presentation of an official transcript of previous coursework. The appropriate department, in coordination with the Office of Admissions, determines the validity of the transfer grade.