Admissions at
Diné College

The admissions office is the first stop in your educational journey here at Diné College. We strive to assist students with admissions by providing direct and indirect services to students, staff, faculty and administrators.


Application for

First Time Student

A first-time student is a high-school senior, or a high school graduate who has never attended a college or university since graduation from high school or since earning a G.E.D.

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Continuing Student

A continuing student is someone who was enrolled the previous Spring, Summer, or Fall semester at Diné College. The purpose of this application is to verify that your contact information is current and correct.

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Returning Student

A returning student is someone who was previously enrolled at Diné College and has not been enrolled for at least one Spring or Fall term (this does not include high school seniors who have taken dual enrollment courses at the College).

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Transfer Student

A transfer student in this category is a high school graduate or one that has a G.E.D.

International Student

Diné College considers applications from international students.

DUAL Credit Student

Who is a high school student who wishes to get a jump start on college.

Admissions at Diné College

For admissions to Diné College – New and Transfer students must complete and/or submit ALL of the following:

  • Admission Application with a non-refundable $20 application fee. Which must disclose the following:
    • Full Legal Name
    • Social Security
    • Mailing Address
    • Date of Birth, etc.
  • Verification of Legal Name and Social Security Number
  • Official Certificate of Indian Blood(CIB) or enrollment card (applies to registered American Indian students only and must match Full Legal Name.)
  • Official high school transcript with graduation date or high school equivalency credential (GED, HISET, or TASC) with test scores.
  • Official college/university transcripts for other accredited colleges/universities previously attended.
  • Additional Admission will be required for Bachelors & Masters Degree-seeking students.

General Admissions Contact

Office of Admissions
One Stop Shop, Student Union Building
Tsaile Campus

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: Closed

Office of Admissions
PO Box C-02
Tsaile, AZ 86556

Connect with the Admissions Team – ConexED