Bachelor of Science in Public Health

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health is a classic program of courses that meet the core competencies for the five subdiscplines of public health. This program prepares students to enter the public health workforce, to contribute to public health research, and/or to continue with more advanced academic degree programs. The BS program will have two tracts, a two-year junior-senior tract for students entering with an Associates of Science degree, and a four-year tract for students entering as freshmen.

Two-Year Program

The two-year junior-senior BS Public Health program will follow the student’s first two years after completing their AS degree in either Public Health, Health Occupations, or a related science degree. Students must have degree requirements that may not have been in their AS degree including : PSY 240, PUH 111, PUH 141 or 241, PUH 200, PUH 275, MTH 213, and HEE 111.

Professional Preparation Coursework

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101 Freshman English I 6
ENG 102 Freshman English II 6
Humanities and Fine Arts Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH) 6
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297 6
Fine Arts (FA) 6
Humanities (HUM) 6
Theater (THR) 101, 102 6
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra 4
MTH 114: College Mathematics 4
Navajo Studies NAV
NIS 111 Foundation of Navajo Culture 9-10
NIS 221 Navajo History to Present 9-10
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122 2-3
PEH 113-148 2-3
Health Education (HEE) 2-3
HEE 110, 111, 112 2-3
Laboratory Science
BIO 181 General Biology I 8
CHM 130 Fundamental Chemistry 8
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Lower Division Requirements 30
BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
BIO 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
HEE 111 Personal and Community Health 3
MTH 213/PSY 213 Statistics 3
PUH 111 Introduction to Public Health 3
PUH 141 Nutrition for Health 3
PUH 241 Human Nutrition 3
PUH 200 Principles of Health Education 3
PUH 270 Community Health Assesment and Planning 3
PUH 280 Implementation and Eval of PH Interventions 3
Upper Division Requirements 60
Junior Year Semester I
NIS 371 Navajo Philosophy 3
PUH 170 Medical Terminology 3
PUH 201 Prin of Environmental Public Health 3
PUH 275 Health Services and Policy 3
PUH 395 Introduction to Epidemiology 3
Program Credits: 15
Junior Year Semester II Credits
NIS 311 Introduction to Navajo Holistic Healing 3
PSY 240 Human Growth and Development 3
PUH 300 Health and Human Diseases 3
PUH 350 Global Indigenous Health 3
PUH 391 Seminar in Public Health 3
Program Credits: 15
Senior Year Semester III
PUH 345 Theories of Health Behavior 3
PUH 355 Health Disparities 3
PUH 360 American Indian Maternal, Infant, Child, and Sexual Health 3
PUH 490 Public Health Research Methods 4
Program Credits: 13
Senior Year Semester IV
NAV 231 Medical Terminology of the Navajo 3
NAV 385 Mental Health Issues in Public Health 3
PUH 497 Public Health Research Methods Practicum 3
PUH 498 Indigenous Research Methods 4
Program Credits: 13
Degree Earned Credits
General Education 40-43
Lower Division Program Requirements 65-66
Upper Division Requirements 60
Total Credits Earned: 125-126
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
Public Health, General 51.2201


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556
Phone: (928) 724-6936