Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
With a focus on Native American contributions to the field, this program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for various health professions, from medicine and nursing to laboratory sciences and therapy. Complete your degree close to home and be part of the healthcare teams that serve your community.

Perfectly aligned with the educational philosophy of Diné College “Sa’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoo”. BS Biomedical Sciences is a 125-126 credit hours program, designed to prepare students to pursue a career in Biomedical Science and other Health Care Professions including but not limited to medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, physician assistant, occupational therapy, physical therapy, laboratory sciences, medical research, paramedics, emergency medical services and many other medical and healthcare professions. To develop competent Biomedical Native Scientists, not only necessary to develop operational skills, but to bring forward Native American/ Indigenous contribution in healthcare sciences.
If you learned through current pandemic how many of different healthcare personnel’s, doctors, nurses, technologists, technicians we need to help our communities and you want to be the part of local healthcare teams then after completion of your Associate degree in any of the Science discipline consider joining BS in Biomedical Sciences program, at your own school, close to your home and families, and join the work force upon graduation.
Two Year Program
The two-year junior-senior BS Biomedical Sciences program will follow the student’s first two years after completing their AS degree in either Biology, Public Health, Health Occupations, or a related science degree. Students must have degree requirements that may not have been in their AS degree including but not limited to: BIO 181/182, CHM151/152, PHY110/111; MTH 190/ 191/MTH 213 and CHM 301/302
Freshman SEMESTER I | |
BIO 181 General Biology I | 4 |
CHM 151 General Chemistry Ilogy | 5 |
ENG 101 College Composition I | 3 |
MTH 110 College Algebra | 4 |
Program Credits | 16 |
Freshman SEMESTER II | |
BIO 182 General Biology II | 4 |
CHM 152 General Chemistry II | 4 |
ENG 102 College Composition II | 3 |
MTH 190 Pre-Calculus | 4 |
Program Credits | 15 |
Sophomore SEMESTER III | |
BIO 201 Anatomy & Physiology | 4 |
CHM 301 General Organic Chemistry I | 5 |
MTH 213 Statistics | 4 |
Gen Ed: NAV 101, 102, 201, 202 or 211 | 3 |
Program Credits | 16 |
Sophomore SEMESTER IV | |
BIO 202 Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
BIO 205 Microbiology | 4 |
CHM 302 General Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
MTH 191 Calculus | 4 |
Program Credits | 16 |
Junior SEMESTER I | |
BIO 344 Cellular & Molecular Biology | 4 |
CHM 310 Introduction to Pharmacology | 4 |
CHM 360 Fundamental Biochemistry | 3 |
PHY 110 Algebra-based Physic I | 4 |
Program Credits | 15 |
Junior SEMESTER II | |
BIO 320 Human Pathophysiology | 4 |
BIO 340 General Genetics | 4 |
PHY 111 Algebra-based Physics II | 4 |
Gen Ed: NIS 111 Foundation of Navajo Culture | 3 |
Program Credits | 15 |
BIO 450 Bioinformation or Upper Div Elect | 3 |
BIO 488 Medical Microbiology | 4 |
BIO 495 Cancer Biology | 3 |
Gen Ed: NIS 221 Navajo History to present | 3 |
Gen Ed: HUM105, 131, 151,152 /FA 106,107, 112, 115, 120, 121, 131, 178 | 3 |
Program Credits | 16 |
Senior SEMESTER IV | |
BIO-408 or BIO-494 (6)or BIO 485 (3-6) | 6 |
BIO-498 Senior Seminar | 1 |
Gen Ed: HUM105, 131, 151,152 /FA 106,107, 112, 115, 120, 121, 131, 178 | 3 |
Gen Ed: HST 101,102,135,136 | 3 |
Gen Ed: ECO111, 200, 201/ PSY111, 200,211,240 | 3 |
Program Credits | 16 |
Degree Earned | Credits |
Lower Division Program Requirements | 63 |
Upper Division Program Requirements | 62-63 |
Total Credits Earned: | 125-126 |
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code & Title: 26.0102 “Biomedical Sciences (General)” | |
SOC Occupation Code & Title: 19-1040.00 “Medical Scientists” |
James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938
Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus
Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556
Phone: (928) 724-6936