A.A. Fine Arts

The Fine Arts program offers a visual arts curriculum for students who want to transfer to a four-year program. The curriculum promotes personal development in the arts. It includes studio art courses in Ceramics, Drawing, Commercial Art, Graphics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture, as well as Art History and Art Education.   Interested students should consult the catalog of four-year institutions that offer Bachelor of Fine Arts programs and speak with Fine Arts advisors. Ceramics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture are available only at Tsaile.

Fine Arts (A.A.)

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I 6
ENG 102: Freshman English II 6
Humanities and Fine Arts Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH) 6
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297 6
Fine Arts (FA) 6
Humanities (HUM) 6
Theater (THR) 101, 102 6
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra 3-4
MTH 114: College Mathematics 3-4
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics 3-4
Social and Behavioral Science Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT) 6
Sociology (SOC) 6
Social Work (SWO) 6
Social Science (SSC) 6
Political Science (POS) 6
Economics (ECO) 6
Psychology (PSY) 6
Laboratory Science Students must choose one Life Science and one Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO 8
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS 8
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122 2-3
PEH 113-148 2-3
Health Education (HEE) 2-3
HEE 110, 111, 112 2-3
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and2-3
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-102-3
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements.40-43
Program RequirementsCredits
Fine Arts:
FA 106 Color Theory12
FA 107 3D Design12
FA 112 2D Design12
FA 115 Drawing I12
Choice of two courses of Art History:
ARH 211 Survey of Native American Art6
ARH 213 Survey of World Art, Prehistoric to 15006
ARH 214 Survey of World Art, 1500 to Present6
Choice of three courses of ARH or FA:9
Six hours of Electives6
Program Credits33
Degree EarnedCredits
General Education40-43
Program Requirements33
Total Credits Earned:73-76
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
50.0702 Fine/Studio Arts, General.



Mail to: Provost Diné College: Box C09, Tsaile, AZ 86556