Office of the

We have grown from a two-year college into a four-year college. The challenge for us today is to build new programs, expand the college and plan for the future. Education has always been the foundation for new innovation, and that is where Diné College wants to be situated. Our strategic goals align with Diné values and we rely upon a firm, solid foundation that was set in stone over 50 years ago to guide this college.

Diné College is a testament to our Navajo heritage, beliefs and what makes our college the beacon of continual growth, humble existence, and endless hope. Let’s work together to lead Diné College into a new era of higher education excellence. Ahxe’hee’.

Dr. Charles M. Roessel, Ed.D.


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Benita Lopez
Executive Assistant
Ned Hatathlie Center – 6th Floor
Office of the President
Tsaile, Az 86556
(928) 724-6669

Crystal Carr Cook, M.P.A.
Director of Legislative Affairs and Special Projects
Ned Hatathlie Center – 6th Floor
Office of the President
Tsaile, Az 86556
(928) 724-6668

Harley Interpreter
Project and Legislative Aide
Ned Hatathlie Center – 6th Floor
Office of the President
Tsaile, Az 86556

Crystal Littleben
Development Officer
Ned Hatathlie Center – 2nd Floor
Office of the President
Tsaile, Az 86556
(928) 724-6672