The health of the Diné College community is our priority
This website will be updated regularly with information about the Novel Coronavirus affecting the Diné College community. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention has the most up-to-date information about the status of the Novel Coronavirus in the US.
Virtual Services
Office of Counseling Services
Letoy Harrison
Diné College Counselor
If you need assistance with personal, familial, or academic support. Please email counselor to schedule a phone counseling session. For immediate counseling services, call counselor’s direct number.
email: leharrison@dinecollege.edu
phone: (505) 368-3628
Computer Access, Internet Access and WIFI hotspot areas:
On-Campus Operational Hours and Services | ||||
Campus | Operation Hours | Services Provided | Things to Know | Wi-Fi Hours |
Tsaile Campus | Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm |
| To visit with an advisor please contact them directly to set up an appointment or call (928)724-6855. Library Service (Students Only) | 24 hours/7 days a week** |
Shiprock Branch | Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm |
| To reach services at South Campus, call (505)368-3621 and at North Campus, call (505)368-3540. Library Service (Students Only) | Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:30pm |
Tuba City Center | Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm |
| To call for services or to set an appointment with the center you may contact (928)283-5113. | Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm |
Window Rock Center | Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-2:00pm Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm |
| For services on-site call (928)871-2230. | 24 hours/7 days a week** |
Crownpoint Center | Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm |
| Please call (505) 786-7391 to acquire services (advisement, registration, library services). | 24 hours/7 days a week** |
*On-site face-to-face.
Everyone who comes onto campus will be screened and have their temperatures taken by the Health Screeners. Face Masks and Social Distancing are required at all campuses.
Diné College Library
Vist Diné College Library at: lib.dinecollege.edu/home
If you need assistance in locating online resources for your classwork, you can email the library: library@dinecollege.edu
Or you can use one of the libraries’ Facebook pages to instant message a librarian.
Tsaile: https://www.facebook.com/DineCollegeLibraries/
Shiprock: https://www.facebook.com/ShiprockLibrary/
The email account and both Facebook pages will be monitored Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dr. Herman A. Peterson
Director of Libraries
Crownpoint Center
Please call or email Monday to Thursday – 12 pm to 5 pm
Peggy Willeto-West, Acting Center Manager
(505) 786-7391
Counseling Service
Please email:
LeToy Harrison, Counselor
(505) 368-3628
Tuba City Center
Phyllis T. Begay, Center Manager
(928) 724-7501
Advisement Services
Academic advisor and program coordinators are advising online.
Students, if you questions: contact your advisor through email.
If you need to drop or withdraw, come onsite to the Tuba City center and Phyllis will help you complete your forms.
Digital library for scholars, researchers, and students
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
JSTOR website
Tip number 1: Schedule to be consistent.
Set a routine for each day on when you will be working on your online coursework. This helps with managing your time. Be responsible for how you use your time; you can avoid procrastination by sticking to your schedule and completing your to do list.
Tip number 2: Create a workspace.
Select an area in your home to designate as your workspace. This helps in knowing where you will be working instead of spending time to find a location every day. Make sure you have access to an internet service.
Tip number 3: Have a daily to do list.
Having a list helps you prioritize and stay focus on what assignments you need to complete for that day. This also helps with managing your time. Be realistic with your to do list.
Tip number 4: Give yourself scheduled breaks.
This should be a part of your routine schedule.
Tip number 5: According to research, multitasking doesn’t get much done.
Sometimes when you try to multitasking, you slow down your progress or you lose focus of what you need to work on. You tend to become easily distracted and more time is spend on re-generating energy to focus on your to do list.
Tip number 6: Give yourself a compliment or reward.
When you do a good job on meeting your deadlines or completing your daily tasks, give yourself a compliment and/or reward.
Tip number 7: Stay in contact through online.
Keep in contact with your instructors by Blackboard and/or Zoom, or by email. Check your emails throughout the day.
Tip number 8: Care for yourself and your family.
Maintain your health and safety. When things are in order and maintained, you will find focusing on your schoolwork easier to do than worrying about what needs to be done. Ask for help from your family and ask for understanding on needing time to do your schoolwork.
Diné College is following the guidance that is provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Navajo Nation Department of Health, and taking preventive actions to temporarily cancel College sponsored events and limiting socialization on College campuses and sites. The preventive measure is to safeguard the health and well being of our College community and Navajo communities.
You can find updated information about COVID-19 disease activity and recommendations at these sites:
Arizona Department of Public Health