A.S. Public Health

This program is designed for health professionals who want to pursue a career in community and population health. It promotes Navajo concepts of health and wellness. This degree can be used to transfer to a college that offers four-year programs in public health, health education, health promotion, or community health. The program offers two options: Health Education (Sociocultural) and Environmental Public Health.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I 6
ENG 102: Freshman English II 6
Humanities and Fine Arts
Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH) 6
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297 6
Fine Arts (FA) 6
Humanities (HUM) 6
Theater (THR) 101, 102 6
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra 3-4
MTH 114: College Mathematics 3-4
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics 3-4
Social and Behavioral Science
Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT) 6
Sociology (SOC) 6
Social Work (SWO) 6
Social Science (SSC) 6
Political Science (POS) 6
Economics (ECO) 6
Psychology (PSY) 6
Laboratory Science
Students must choose one Life Science and one
Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO 8
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS 8
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122 2-3
PEH 113-148 2-3
Health Education (HEE) 2-3
HEE 110, 111, 112 2-3
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and 2-3
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-10 2-3
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements. 40-43
Program RequirementsCredits
BIO 205 Microbiology4
PUH 111 Introduction to Public Health3
PUH 270 Comm. Health Assessment and Planning3
PUH 295 Public Health Sciences3
Program Credits13
Choose Option A or BCredits
Option A:
PUH 280 Implementation and Evaluation of Public Health Interventions3
Electives from the following: EDU 200; BIO 170, 201; PSY 111, 240, 250;
SOC 111, 225, 230; PUH 241, 289
Option B:
PUH 290 Public Health Research Methods4
PUH 297 Practicum3
Choose Specialization Option A or BCredits
Option A: Health Ed. (Sociocultural Option)
HEE 110 Introduction to Wellness3
HEE 111 Personal and Community Health3
PUH 200 Principles of Health Education3
Option B: Environmental Public Health Option
PUH 201 Principles of Environmental Public Health3
PUH 202 Uranium and Environmental Health3
ENV 160 Introduction to Geographic Info System3-4
ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Science3-4
Degree EarnedCredits
General Education40-43
Program Requirements13
Choose Option A or B6-7
Total Credits Earned:68-73
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
51.2207 Public Health Education and Promotion.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr.
Tsaile, AZ 86556
Phone: (928) 724-6936