Agroecology / Environmental Science

Agroecology is a track under Environmental Science.  It is the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agro ecosystems.

Agroecology/Environmental Science (A.A.)

This discipline brings together the elements of agricultural sciences, ecology, and environmental thought and is influenced by the experiences of people who manage land and water to produce food and other products. This unique program will incorporate traditional knowledge into all aspects of the curriculum. Students should consider this option to prepare for a wide range of careers with varying specializations, including animal studies, pre-veterinary medicine, horticulture, soils and environment, resource economics, and sustainable agriculture.

IMPORTANT: To fulfill the General Education Science Core, students are required to take BIO 181 and ENV 101.

General Education Core Credits
ENG 101: Freshman English I 6
ENG 102: Freshman English II 6
Humanities and Fine Arts Students must choose two courses from:
Art History (ARH) 6
English (ENG) 212, 213, 231, 233, 234, 241, 297 6
Fine Arts (FA) 6
Humanities (HUM) 6
Theater (THR) 101, 102 6
Mathematics Student must take appropriate course based on major.
MTH 110: College Algebra 3-4
MTH 114: College Mathematics 3-4
MTH 106: Survey on College Mathematics 3-4
Social and Behavioral Science Students must choose one History (HST) 101, 102, 135, 136 course and one other course from:
Anthropology (ANT) 6
Sociology (SOC) 6
Social Work (SWO) 6
Social Science (SSC) 6
Political Science (POS) 6
Economics (ECO) 6
Psychology (PSY) 6
Laboratory Science Students must choose one Life Science and one Physical Science course both with labs from:
Life Science: BIO 8
Physical Science: AGR, AST, CHM, ENV, GLG, PHY, PHS 8
Physical Education and Health Education
PEH 122 2-3
PEH 113-148 2-3
Health Education (HEE) 2-3
HEE 110, 111, 112 2-3
Navajo Studies
One Navajo Language Course Based on Placement Test (NAV 101, 102, 201, 202, or 211)
NIS 111: Foundations of Navajo Culture and2-3
NIS 221: Navajo History to Present 9-102-3
Required Core Total Students transferring may need to take additional courses to meet core requirements.40-43
Program RequirementsCredits
BIO 182 General Biology II8
Choice of one pair from:
(Pre-professional students are advised to take)
CHM 151 General Chemistry I
CHM 152 General Chemistry II
GLG 101 Indigenous Physical Geology
GLG 102 Historical Geology
PHY 110 Algebra-based Physics I
PHY 111 Algebra-based Physics II
The following three (3) courses are required.
ENV 110 Introduction to Soils/Lab4
ENV 123 Introduction to Physical Hydrology3
ENV 225 Principles of Agroecology4
Program Credits27-28
Degree EarnedCredits
General Education40-43
Program Requirements27-28
Total Credits Earned:68-71
Program Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Code Title
03.0104 Environmental Science.


James Tutt
Dean of School of STEM
1 Circle Drive, Route 12
Tsaile, Arizona 86556
(928) 724-6938

Nesbah Kahn
Administrative Assistant
Room 123A
Gorman Classroom Building (GCB)
Tsaile Campus

Call: 928.724.6936

Mail to:
Diné College: School of Science,
Technology, Engineering & Math
1 Circle Dr. Tsaile, AZ 86556