Information for
Students & Parents

Dual Credit: Reviewing Your Options

There are some factors to consider and discuss with your family and school guidance counselor before you register for dual credit courses. It is important to understand the student is beginning a college transcript and the courses will become part of his/her permanent academic record.


Key Suggestions

  • As a student talks about this opportunity with his/her parent/guardian, remember the program is relatively free, local and convenient. It is important to also discuss the rigor of deadlines, workloads and responsibility.
  • As a student talks with his/her parent/guardian, teachers and guidance counselor it is vital to discuss the student’s college plans and major.
  • Research your college plans, major, and how the dual credit courses will fit into the student’s intended major. The grade(s) the student receives will become part of his/her official college transcript.
  • Review and study all information and opportunities Diné College has to offer, especially the guidelines associated with student enrollment and academic policies.

Tuition and Fees

Arizona Rates for Dual Credit Student
Tuition Per Credit Hour $55
Technology Fee $20
Activity Fee $25
Application Fee -NA-
New Mexico Rates for Dual Credit Student
Tuition Per Credit Hour $50
Technology Fee -NA-
Activity Fee -NA-
Application Fee -NA-

 This is an excellent opportunity for students to take college classes for free, at not cost to families, and it close to home and accessible.


All dual credit students are responsible for following the Diné College Academic Policies. Instructors will use Diné College guidelines to determine midterm and final grades. This includes a student’s Academic Standing, Withdrawal from a course and each student has the right to contest his/her grades through the General Grade Appeal, which can be obtained from Office of the Registrar or see an Academic Advisor.

Academics Policies

Class Attendance – Regular and prompt attendance to all classes and laboratories is expected. Excessive absence may be reported which may affect a student’s academic grade(s).

Academic Integrity – Academic integrity is the fundamental value and principle that underwrites the very mission of Diné College. Enrolled students are solely responsible for the integrity of their academic work and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment and ethics in their areas of study. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, misrepresentation or plagiarism and other forms of unethical behavior, is prohibited. If a student has violated the academic integrity policy, formal proceeding for disciplinary action will be conducted under the “Student Code of Conduct.”

Withdrawal from College Classes – Students must officially withdraw from the College using a Withdrawal Form available from the Records and Admissions Office or respective campus site. Failure to withdraw properly results in the forfeiture of any refunds and a grade of “F” is given for each course in progress at the time of the unofficial withdrawal. Withdrawal Forms must be returned to the Registrar’s Office with all required signatures.

Transcripts – Students may request an official transcript from the Records and Admissions Office from the main campus in Tsaile. The Transcript Request Form is available at all sites and on the College website. A fee is required for each Official Transcript. Currently enrolled students may review their unofficial transcript at any time by logging into Warrior Web. Records and Admissions Office is not permitted to provide transcript services to any current or former student who owes money to the college. Same day service is available only for in person requests at Tsaile campus, for nominal fee. The fee for a transcript is $5.00 and the same day service is $15.00 per transcript. Diné College can’t send an Official Transcript by email or fax.

Course Change or Cancellation – Diné College reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or to change the day, time, location, and/or faculty of any course without notice. Students will not be penalized for cancelled courses. Tuition is fully refundable. Registration, technology and other applicable activity fees are non-refundable.


Dual Credit Director
Francetta Begaye

Dual Credit Coordinator
Valadia Mejia
(928) 724-6923